Saturday, 22 September 2012

23rd September 2012 - Technical Conventions


Editing is very frequent in music videos:

  • It is closely connected to the song.
  • It works hard to ensure that no single element (whether it be narrative, setting, performance, song, star, lyrics or song) gains the upper hand.
  • It keeps momentum.
  • Jump cuts are used liberally.
  • Long dissolves usually compliment smooth arrangements.
  • Long takes can underscore broad melodic phases.
  • Short takes keep the audience focused on the beat of the music.
The continuity system is less common in music videos, as music videos travel in obscure paths (editing helps this process). However, the awkward style of editing allows us to keep with the song and the video itself. It also forces the viewer to focus on the musical and visual aspect of the video.
Music videos do not follow the same path as Hollywood films regarding cinematography. Even though the path of a music video may be confusing, the knowledge of TV and film helps us understand and can still make a specific shot look glamourous.
Movement is an essential aspect to music videos. Dollys are often used so the image on screen can keep in time with the songs momentum. Tracking shots are also crucial because they help change the view point on a scene. Other movements which can be used are tilts, cranes and pans.
Music videos are created to be discontinuous. You can get the jist of a character's personality and what they are like, but you will never truly know. An action will often never be completed; editing cuts away a persons actions so you don't see the full shot.
Close-ups of the star are important in music videos. Editing can usually cut away on the beat of the song. Lip syncing is also essential in music videos, for obvious reasons.
The setting can be described as part of the artist's world, as it is their own personal space. Three things need to be taken into consideration when on location; the location in general, the presentation of the location and if any, what meaning can be created from the setting.

Poker Face Lady Gaga
Short takes are used throughout the video of Lady Gaga's 'Poker Face'; the video keeps abruptly changing from shot to shot, whether it be the same shot or to a different one. Close-up shots are also used frequently to showcase that Lady Gaga is the star of this song. The shots quickly jump from scene to scene to show the fast pace of the song.
The locations fit in well with the song; the song has many references to gambling (mainly poker), so one of the shots shows Lady Gaga playing strip poker with a group of people. The song seems to fit well with the party scene too, as it seems like everyone is dancing to the song being played, showing that at this moment in time it could already be famous. The costumes Lady Gaga wears are seen as promiscuous and provocative; however she could have intentionally wore these costumes to attract the male audience into watching the video.

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