Friday, 6 July 2012

6th July 2012 - Music Videos Analysis

Rihanna What's My Name?
DYER (stereotype)

In the music video, Rihanna is shown to be promiscuous and flirty towards Drake's character. This makes it look like all girls are promiscuous. Rihanna is also shown to be barely clothed, which reinforces this.

Rihanna is washing dishes in one scene of the video, which makes her come off as a stereotypical house wife.

MULVEY (male gaze)
The camera mainly focuses on Rihanna, which is used to attract the male audience as her clothing is quite revealing.

BAUDRILLARD (hyper reality) 
Real life situations are used in the video, for example two people call in love and a romantic story unfolds from there.

Rihanna and Drake are in a super market for most of the video, and you wouldn't really expect them to be in places like supermarkets since they are such big stars.

The wine could signify the romance that Rihanna and Drake's characters feel for each other.

The milk spilling could represent the impact Drake has had upon Rihanna's life, but could also be connotated as a sexual metaphor (the milk spills then abruptly cuts to the apartment, signifying something has happened in between then).


Christina Aguilera Not Myself Tonight

DYER (stereotype)
Christina Aquilera is shown as promiscuous throughout the video in a variety of ways.

The music video shows her as a sex symbol (clothes,props etc)

There is a subversion of stereotypes in this video; the men are barely clothed, and they are shown as slaves.

MULVEY (male gaze)
Christina and all the women in the music video are wearing very revealing clothes, which contributes to the male gaze theory

A reverse on events; men are also revealed suggestively, as are women, and this shows control the women have.

It seems like Christina wants to be looked at by men by the way she dresses/acts in the video.

It seems like Christina wants to be looked at by men and idolized by women, which can be viewed as subjectified.

BAUDRILLARD (hyper reality)
Christina is shown as promiscuous, so you assume she is naturally like that

A lot of props used in the video represent sex (gag in mouth, whip; represents S&M)

Some movements that Christina does are suggestive (seductively moving towards camera)

The video shows dangerous sex and sex for pleasure


My Chemical Romance Teenagers

DYER (stereotype)
The video shows teenagers as rowdy and violent people.

The band are only playing for the teenagers, but they end up taking over the stage

The dancing cheerleaders shown in a revealing manner in the background on the stage.

The teenagers end up stealing items from the stage during the performance.

MULVEY (male gaze)
There are cheerleaders in the background, like entertainment for male audience.

BAUDRILLARD (hyper reality)
It shows from videos and lyrics that teenagers are violent towards people who are older than them

The video shows teenagers to be obeying the music (when they stand up and pump their fists)

The video and lyrics show teenagers as yobs (when they jump on stage and harass the band)

The cheerleaders pretend to shoot Gerard Way down, and this shows that teenagers could be after him

Likes & Dislikes - 'What's My Name?'
What I liked about What's My Name? were the amount of signifying things they had in the video (e.g. the milk dropping on the floor. I liked this because it shows the amount of things you could use to signify one thing. I also liked the amount of locations they used; a variety of locations of them in public places is used, and I liked this because it shows celebrities going through places they wouldn't normally go.
What I didn't like was the costumes used. Rihanna's costume was very revealing (however this may be a convention for the rap/R&B genre) and Drake's costume is very plain and they don't really connotate anything.

What I learnt from this music video is that many (without over doing it) locations can be a good thing, and that specific items or locations can connotate a variety of things. I will consider this in the creation process of my music video.

Likes & Dislikes - 'Not Myself Tonight'
What I liked about Not Myself Tonight was the variety of ways that Christina Aguilera appeals to the music video's audience. She has a select amount of things which appeal to men (sexually suggestive clothing, poses etc), but also how she appeals to women (partially naked men, dominance over men).
What I didn't like was that I didn't understand the locations. There may have been some significance, there may have not been, however I didn't understand what relevance they had.

What I learnt from this music video is how to appeal to each gender in a video. I won't be including anything sexually suggestive in my video, however I will try and find substitutes to appeal to my audience.

Likes & Dislikes - 'Teenagers'
What I liked about Teenagers was the location used. As the song is based around teenagers, the band are performing in a school hall and this fits in perfectly with the song. I also like the dark theme and colours used. This could represent a teenager's moody side and how their emotions swing back and forth.

There wasn't really anything I didn't like. The costume was normal for an American high school and the location was appropriate for the song.

What I learnt from this is that location can really make a music video if it is appropriate to the song. I will consider as many options as possible for my music video.

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